Equipment for orthopedic implants

Equipment for orthopedic implants
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Breadboard T254A1

Reusable breadboard for laminating the T254 disc...

Breadboard T255A1

Reusable breadboard for lamination of the T255 shield. Prepares the plane for T214, T224, T224.1, T2..

Insert - threaded plastic laminating mockup T251A6

End of the breadboard with M36 thread; Maximum load 125 kg; Weight 12 g T251A5 and T251A6 laminat..

Plastic T206.1 cork for lamination

For use with rotary adapters for lamination T206, T213, T213.1, T 213.2, T218, T234.The cork has ..

T242 trial sliding adapter for lower leg and thigh prosthesis

The adapter allows for rotation on the lower or upper pyramid; The adapter enables displacement of ..

T245 Berkeley prosthesis copying device

A device for copying "Berkeley" prostheses with a length of 1250 mm. It should be used after a trial..

T251A5 Insert - radial laminating mockup made of plastic

End of the breadboard with M36 thread; Weight 12 g T251A5 and T251A6 laminating mockups are used f..

T257A1 valve mockup for lamination

Reusable breadboard for laminating the T257 valve..

T7.1 auxiliary wedge washer

Auxiliary hard wood wedge washer facilitating drilling of 11 mm diameter hole in SACH alloy (Solid A..

Trim adapter for pipe adapter with clamping hole diameter 30 mm T243

Used to precisely determine the length of the pipe adapter with a diameter of ⌀30 mm; Length adjustm..

Trim adapter for pipe adapter with clamping hole diameter 34 mm T244

Used to precisely determine the length of the pipe adapter with a diameter of ⌀34 mm; Length adjust..